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Pumpkin is FIV positive and came to us 9/18/2013 through a local rescue group, his owner was in end stage cancer and could no longer care for him properly.  Since he is FIV positive the options were limited. Pumpkin naturally has a beautiful long orange coat, but came to us suffering from bad gingivitis and stomatitis giving him difficulty eating and grooming and feeling overall crummy.  Having dental care and some teeth removed did not seem to help him much.  After doing research we learned that full mouth extraction is the best chance he had of feeling better with about an 80% success rate.  

Pumpkin has had his full mouth extraction and we sprung for a lion's cut while he was asleep to give him a fresh coat. We are very happy he is feeling much better and gaining weight now with the pain gone!  This seems to have been a permanent improvement for him!  He is such a sweet guy and loves to give hugs and kisses.   


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